Manufacturing specifications of food production sites or food management facility must meet the requirements of current legislation and the principles of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), and Good Hygiene Practice (GHP).

For food retail stores infrastructure specifications reference Greek legislation is the Sanitary Provision A1b / 8577/83.

For food retail stores infrastructure specifications reference Greek legislation is the Sanitary Provision A1b / 8577/83. Food businesses as a whole are covered by EU Regulations 852/2004 and 853/2004 which references to infrastructure is general. In addition there are  separate guidelines issued by  EFET which include recommendations on standards of production areas and food management as per activity.

The interpretation of legal and regulatory requirements relating to the infrastructure of food business is a job that requires knowledge and experience. Design and compartmentalization of space should be done, selection of components, materials, and production related equipment. The smooth approval of the plans of the installation and licensing of an enterprise combined with ergonomics and economic realism are objectives worthy of effort. Modern food safety certification standards (ISO22000, BRC, IFS, PAS220, FSSC) emphasize that the proper infrastructure is a prerequisite for the production of safe food and largely meet the requirements reflected in the standards and infrastructure of each building installation.

Our company has extensive experience in designing production plants -processing food of animal or vegetable origin. We are available to inspect as per health and ergonomic aspects your new plant or renovation projects planning. We work with the administration and the involved executives of your company, and the project engineers. We have contributed to planning and operation of several food retail stores and large industrial food-processing plants, always taking into account coverage of legal requirements, current or future productive capacity of the company, compliance with budgets, suggesting cheaper choices in each case.

Modern food safety certification standards (ISO22000, BRC, IFS, PAS220, FSSC) emphasize that the proper infrastructure is a prerequisite for the production of safe food and largely meet the requirements reflected in the standards and infrastructure of each building installation.


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